Tech Talk is the creation of Addison Inge, AA4AV, to mentor new Hams on KE4UP, 145.490 MHz on Monday nights at 8:00 PM, following the Hampton Public Service Net (HPST) that starts at 7:15 PM also on KE4UP.

It is intended to help all hams with any techinical issues with a focus particularly on helping the newer Hams. Instructors and those with expertise are invited to join and assist. The first session was held April 27, 2015 at 8:00 PM.

The topics addressed included: Protocols for joining conversations, Avoiding CB Lingo, Mobile Radio Installations, Antennas - Installations operations and measurements.

To hear our first session click on each recording. (The bulk of the session is contained in recordings 9 and 10. Some of the earlier recordings have basically no content.) Each recording will open in a new window or tab. Most browsers should allow you to download each file, usually by right clicking. To return to this window either close the window you just opened or click on this tab/window again. It isn't automatically closed.

  • Recording 1
  • Recording 2
  • Recording 3
  • Recording 4
  • Recording 5
  • Recording 6
  • Recording 7
  • Recording 8
  • Recording 9
  • Recording 10
  • Recording 11

    If you are not yet a Ham, listen and learn.   If you are a Ham ask questions and learn even more.

    As always, our thanks go out to John Howe, KE4UP, for the use of the repeater.


    There have been questions about the proper way to use the Chinese Connectors we have collectively bulk purchased, and this video might be helpful. Click on the image below to view the YouTube Video. This page will remain open, the Video will appear in a new window. To return to this page close the YouTube Video or click on this window again.

    PL-259 Connector        PL-259 Bulk Guide Sheet

                               Video                                                               Guide Sheet

    PL-259 Bulk Guide Sheet is a printable single page Guide Sheet. Close that window to return to this one.


  • © WE4TOM.COM 2015